Friday, 11 March 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Magic

I’d say the best way of making money using P2P magic on Runescape is by using fire bolts on iron dragons!  Iron and steel dragons drop very good consistent loot which you can high alchemy then and there which means that you’re going to be making money right away without having to bother going to bank your loot, and what’s also useful is that they drop quite a lot of charms as well which is clearly only going to benefit you!

One thing which is really important is to realize that you’re there for one item only, the draconic visage which is worth around 18 million gold.  What’s great about this type of money making is that it’s not like you’re not gaining anything while you’re trying to get the holy grail of an item.  You’re still going to be making a few 100k per hour.  You’ll also be making great magic exp because you’re constantly using fire bolts which by the way are very cheap now because chaos runes have dropped substantially in value.  But it’s really not about going there for a few hours and hoping to get one, you need to go there consistently until you get one, keep going there and you will get one.  It will definitely be long and tedious at times, but when you see that item worth 18 million gold just laying on the floor you know it’ll be worth it!

Even though before you get the item you will only be making around 200k per hour, as soon as you get it it obviously vastly increases your average.  This area is a great way to train magic because eventually you will get the big drop, but in the mean time you train your magic and make decent gold until you get it.

Killing metal dragons on Runescape is quite easy using ranged and magic, but regardless of whichever one you use you definitely need to have an anti-dragon shield because it stops the dragon hitting high 300s on you.  To stop them otherwise you’d need to have your protect from magic prayer on and this would cost a lot of money because it drains prayer points quite quickly.  The best set up if you’re maging is to have void mage or infinity because they don’t degrade.  You should also have both anti-dragon shields as well as antifire potions.  The anti-dragon shield reduces the damage the dragon’s fire breath does on you and reduces it to only hitting from 20-40 life points.  Using the antifire potion protects you for several minutes from the last little bits of damage meaning you take no damage as long as you keep drinking the potion before it runs out – but even when it does run out you only receive a little bit of damage so it’s not something you need to constantly watching!

Interested in learning more?  Visit Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Magic Guide Now!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Fishing

Making money on Runscape using P2P fishing is quite difficult unless you’re level 90 fishing, if I’m being honest I wouldn’t bother trying to make money using lobsters or swordfish and so on because the price for them now is incredibly low.  You’re looking at making around 50gp for a lobster so I’m sure you can see right away that they’re not going to be making you much money at all. 

If I’m being completely honest the best way to make money is by getting to level 90 and going to the Living Rock Caverns to catch raw rocktail which sell for 1500 gp each.  Everything else before you hit level 90 is going to make you substantially less money so instead of focusing on making money you should be focusing on leveling up your skill as fast as you can.  If you try and make money using swordfish/sharks you’ll definitely make some money, but you’ll level up your fishing skill very slowly.  If on the other hand you stick to lobsters, salmon and work on getting more experience as opposed to gold pieces it means that even though you’ll be earning less for quite a while, when you do hit level 90 you’ll instantly be bringing home around 50,000 gold per inventory of rocktail which means you’re going to be making a lot of money and you’re going to not just make up for the money you made while leveling but you’ll easily excel because you won’t have wasted your time catching fish worth 500gp maximum but which aren’t much quicker than rocktails at all.

If you want to earn money using fishing you need to be at least 76 fishing or frankly there’s no point bothering because what you will earn will be of such little cash value that you could have been doing so many other things to earn gold on Runescape instead.  At level 76 fishing you can catch sharks which are worth around 500gp raw, which is still not very much considering that they take a long time to fish.  It’s much better at this level to stick to lobsters until you hit 90 fishing, so that when you do hit 90 fishing you can power through rocktails and earn three times at much in similar fishing times.  However if you are level 76 fishing and you are in need of earning money then I would recommend that you do fish sharks because even if they don’t give you a large amount of gold, especially compared to the rocktails they do still net you a decent amount of gold (no pun intended).

But If I’m being completely honest I’d say away from fishing to make money unless I was already a very high level.  I’d go and train up by hunter skill, because at level 63 hunter which is by the way much quicker to train you can start catching red chinchompas.  These are worth 800gp each and the higher you level hunter the more you can catch.  You will catch more the higher level you are, leveling up is much quicker than fishing and you can start earning much earlier so to be perfectly honest with you I think it’s much superior to fishing.  The only way I’d say fishing is superior is that it takes much less effort because all you have to do is click a fishing spot and leave it, whereas with hunter a slightly more active role is taken because you need to lay and check traps constantly.

Want to learn more?  Visit Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Fishing Now!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using Hunter Guide

Making money on Runescape using skills is generally quite slow especially when contrasted to some forms of monster killing.  On the other hand using hunter to make your gold is a relatively quick and effort free way of making decent money in a steady and consistent way which isn't seen in monster hunting.

I'd say that across the non combat related skills hunter is literally the best method of making money in terms of how much you make per hour.  Unless you can runecraft double nature runes that is, and even that's a close clal which is why I'm saying hunter is the best.  What makes it the best is that it's an easy skill to both train and make money while doing so.  Training woodcutting quickly nowadays involves cutting ivy but you make almost no money in the process.  Training fishing quickly usually involved catching lobsters and again the money involved in this is incredibly small.

On the other hand to both make money and skill using hunter catching red chinchompas are the best for both.  To start with you only need level 63 hunting to begin catching these chinchompas, so you can start quite quickly. Next they're worth around 700 gp, which is higher than sharks for example which take 91 fishing to catch.  Not only is 91 fishing hard to achieve in relation to time because the exp per hour is much reduced, but it's also a substantially greater amount of exp when compared with that of level 63.

So catching red chinchompas makes more money, in less time and gains you levels and experience quicker.  It's clearly a winning skill across the board because it makes you so much, costs next to nothing and can be start relatively quickly.  Not only that, but people assuming that hunter on Runescape takes a serious degree of skill but on the contrary even though I'd say it takes slightly more effort than fishing or woodcutting it's just that - slightly - it's still comparatively very easy to skill and earn money using.

Interested in learning more?  Click below now!

Money Making on Runescape Using Hunter Guide

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using Herblore Guide

Making money on Runescape isn't easy, but there are a set number of skills which can help you get money, and some like herblore allow you to gain money as well as train other skills which is incredibly useful from a long term perspective.

Now to start of with, I'm going to say right of the bat that training herblore is very expensive, I trained it myself to level 89 so I could use extreme potions and it cost be around 200 million gold to just get to level 89.  I did admittedly train it in a more costly way by making special attack restore potions, but nevertheless even if you use super defence potions which are very cheap it's still going to take quite a long time.  Now training your herblore skill using this method isn't going to make you money in the short term, but extreme potions are a massive advantage with regards to high level monster killing.  In these situations when you're pitted against another player and you're both trying to get the monster killing it could mean the difference between an armadyl godsword or not.  In these instances and looking at it from a high level, long term perspective it's clearly an advantage to be using them, and without them you'd be easily around 5-15% less effective depending on the potion.

But most players aren't very high levels, and most players want to do something quick so they can buy what you want.  Whether it's an abyssal whip or a godsword there are definitely methods out there which allow you to make good money while train your combat stats.  Herb collecting is a fantastic way of making money because it allows you to train up your combat stats such as attack, strength and defence - and even magic and ranged if you so choose.  One of the best things to do is go about your usual routine, and simply collect the grimy herbs and store them in your bank - all it takes is a few ranarrs here and there and soon enough you're talking several hundred thousand gp!

One great way of multi-tasking skills is slayer, which allows you to train up your slayer skill which'll come in use in the future as well as allowing you to gain combat stats as well as getting you herbs and charms!  Charms are vital for summoning and so effectively you can be training your attack level, your summoning level, prayer (burying their bones), slayer as well as making money from the herbs all in one go!

Interested in learning more?  Money Making on Runescape Using Herblore Guide for more information!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using F2P Runecrafting Guide

Runecrafting is by no means the best way for making money as a F2P player on Runescape, but you can make decent money at very low levels which means for a lot of players it's very useful for making that first one million gold on Runescape.

A good method for making money right of the bat with level one runecrafting having just completed rune mysteries is air/water rune running.  This involves running to the air or water alter with an inventory full of rune essence.  You trade your load with someone who's making air or water runes, who trades you everything they've made for your rune essence.  Even though they're losing money, they do this so they can train runecrafting much more quickly than if they were to do all the running themselves.  This means that you simply have to buy some rune essence, run over, and you're instantly making money.  You'll make even more money on water runes because they're worth 3-4 times that of air runes.  This means that an inventory of rune essence worth around 600gp can bring you returns of 4-6k per trip!

A simple way to increase your own mining and runecrafting levels yourself as well as make money involves making the runes yourself.  It's quite a simple process, and you need to mine a large quantity of rune essence - preferably around a thousand.  From here what you have to do is to run to the water alter and make water runes (you need 19 runecrafting or 38 to make 2x the amount of essence).  This means that you can make a decent amount of money with relatively little effort.  On the other hand you can just mine the essence and then sell it yourself to a runecrafter, but this method of making the runes yourself means that you aren't just making pure gold, you're adding to your levels which will be beneficial in the future.

If you're interested in Money Making on Runescape Using F2P Runecrafting Guide using even more sophisticated methods which can make you easily double or triple of those shown above, click the link above!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Best Way To Make Money On Runescape

I get asked quite often what's the best way to make money on  Runescape, and frankly I'm surprised people ask.  There's a myriad of information and money making guides right out there on the internet and it seems to me that I'm not actually being asked how to make money.  I'm being asked for a quick fix solution to a problem where none exists.  Even those who've made billions of gold from staking, merchanting, pking and so on had to put in a lot of hard work and determination.

There were (and will once more be) stakers who specifically created accounts which had 1 prayer and purposefully when for stats such as 88 attack, 78 strength and 88 defence to look worse than they effectively were (90 attack, 80 strength, 90 defence).

Then the were the first mechant clan leaders who profited of the whole of Runescape as well of many of their members.  These people had to set up entire clans, organise hundreds of people as well as thinking of the techniques involved in the Grand Exchange manipulation.

Pkers like stakers also had to have specific stats, whether it was keep prayer low as a pure, or getting 95 prayer for turmoil.  Not only this, but very specific gear had to be chosen which would give slight, but important advantages over their opponents.

All of these three types of players have done well, and will do so again when the wilderness returns on the 1st of February.  But these players didn't get to where they were by repetitively asking how to do this and that, they asked once and got on with it.  There's only so much  background research and knowledge you can obtain about these types of players before you have to take the plunge and actually do it.  If you keep doing what you'll always done (and that's the majority of players), such as chopping yew trees or picking flax then you're not going to be making much money at all.  You have to find out who the rich people are, then figure how they got there - but that's the easy part!  The hard part isn't knowing what to do, it's about putting in the effort to do it yourself.  People complain about being poor, but never try to be rich - and that's the only difference between these two players, one tries and one doesn't.

Interested in learning the best way to make money on Runescape?  Read this blog to find out the best ways to make the most gold in as short a time as possible

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Mining

Just like literally all skills, making money on Runescape using P2P mining is much more effect than trying to make gold using F2P mining.  In the free to play versions you are limited much more heavily on where you can actually mine ores.  The only real options for mining on a free to play world are in the dwarven mines, but here there are relatively few ores and it's very overcrowded.  You can also mine in to the wilderness, but there's a serious possibility of being attacked by revenants or pkers.  This all means that on a geographical level you're already at a disadvantage, because there are fewer places and all of them are quite far from the banks.  But not only this, because the free to play Runescape world is significantly smaller, there are far more people crammed into those areas which means these areas which are geographically worse are also packed full of players.

Another serious thing you have to consider is that on an equipment basis you're also at a disadvantage because of the advent of the dragon pickaxe.  These are similar to going from the rune hatchet to the dragon hatchet, and there's an immediate advantage in upgrading.  You mine rocks faster and the tool itself is less likely to break which means your job is easier.

Summoning which is only available in members also provides a big advantage in mining probably more than other skills.  To start with unlike the woodcutting skill, many rocks which are mined are much further away from banks which means that a summoning familiar such as a bull ant, terror bird or war tortoise are incredibly useful because they allow you to hold extra items which means each load you bank will have more in it.  If you have a pack yak then you're in an even better position because you can bank items directly from your inventory.  This probably isn't worth it for lower level ores such as iron ore or even mithril, but once you start talking about adamant to rune then you'll be doing yourself a big favour.

Dungeoneering also provides a coal bag as long as you have 35 dungeoneering and you have the tokens to buy the bag.  It holds up to 27 pieces of coal and is useful for both mining coal, and for using the coal for smelting because the coal us used right from the coal bag itself.

The sacred clay pickaxe is also a massive aid in helping you with mining because it gives you double exp while it is still charged.  It starts at 100% and goes down to 0% when it degrades away into nothing, however the exp doesn't go down proportionally with the percentage, it just goes back to normal when the item is lost.  You can expect to use this clay pickaxe for around 20-25 minutes before it's lost and so it can be very useful in training mining.  You can get this item as a reward from stealing creation and it takes around 15-20 minutes to obtain.

Another big help for poorer members comes in the form of the Inferno Adze which is gained from the quest, All Fired Up, and with 41 mining and 92 firemaking allows the member to weild it.  It has the same mining capabilities of the dragon pickaxe, but it also acts as a dragon hatchet too.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Runescape Money Making Using P2P Woodcutting

This is a quick post telling you how much more effective woodcutting is as a money method making on Runescape when you're a member as opposed to using the F2P option.  Most people discount woodcutting right away as a good way of making money, and although it's by no means the fastest, on a purely effort basis it's much easier than many other methods of making money - especially those which involve killing monsters and looting their drops.  Usually in these situations you're fighting very high level monsters, and so if you are even able to kill them they take a definite amount of concentration which you just don't find with woodcutting.

To start with when you're using P2P woodcutting to make gold there are a few massive advantages you instantly can get over F2P.  To start with your equipment is immediately a lot better and you are able to open up the possibility of wielding the dragon hatchet.  Just like the steps up from adamant to rune, from rune to dragon there's an even greater step which mean that they're much better to use.  They mean you cut logs quicker and hence make gold faster.

Location location location.  Being able to cut the logs quickly is one thing, but having a large amount of trees within close proximity to the bank also vastly speeds up the cutting process.  This isn't just making you money, it's allowing you to train the skill a lot faster.  But looking at it from a purely money making perspective, because you're able to quickly bank your load of logs and return back to woodcutting on a per hour basis you'll be making money.  Their proximity to the bank is important, but what's also important is the fact that there are also greater numbers of trees.  Whereas in the the F2P Runescape world there are only a maximum of two yew trees close together (in Varrock castle) with a third a small distance away.  In this area they're also quite far from the bank, not so much in terms of distance, but because you're winding your way through the castle it can be definitely time consuming if you want to make it to the bank quickly and then get back.

Two yew trees near Varrock Castle

On the other hand you can find a much larger amount of yew trees west of Catherby, there are around five yew trees which are closer together and a shorter distance from the bank.

Five yew trees near Catherby
So far it's clear that P2P woodcutting makes more gp then F2P by far.  But you also have to consider one other important factor - summoning.  Summoning is a members only skill on Runescape and with a summoning level of 33 you can summon beavers which increase the speed of gathering logs.

Finally the last important thing is that the best type of log you can cut on free to play worlds are yew trees - and these tend to sell for around only one third of the price of magic logs which are members only items.  Magic logs definitely do take a substantive amount of time more to cut than yew trees, which mean at lower woodcutting levels they're not very suitable for making money.  But with a dragon hatchet and a high woodcutting level it's a lot easier to cut them and hence even more money is made.  Combine this with summoning a beaver to help you with you Runescape woodcutting as well as shorter travelling times to and from the bank and you've got a pretty good money making method right there on pay to play!

Monday, 10 January 2011

Runescape Money Making Using Farming

A lot of people use skills to make money on Runescape because they don't like the idea of losing all their hard earned items by killing monsters.  While it's definitely true that killing monsters such as at the God Wars Dungeon will make you vast amounts of money if you're doing it correctly, it also takes a very high combat level to do it effectively as well as having potions such as extremes to compete with the other very high levels.  When you're farming however, there's no one to compete with but yourself so making money is much more relaxed and soothing.  You don't need to worry about dying and losing your items, all you need to do is plant some seeds and let them grow.

money making using farming
Whereas it would take a combat level of at least 110-120 to stand even a little chance of making money killing difficult monsters you can make money farming with only a farming level of around fifty.  This is very easy to achieve and isn't stressful at all and you don't have the fear of losing any items.  The best method of making money on Runescape using farming is to plant herbs on the farming herb patches.  Herbs are worth a relatively large amount of money because they're used by rich high level players at areas such as the God Wars Dungeon, on the other hand things you can plant such as magic trees are worth much less because their seed value easily offsets the money you gain from cutting them down.  The best herb to start making money with at a relatively low level is the ranarr herb.

The first thing you should do is check that you have the right level, and then search all the herb patches that you can reach.  After that it's a simple task of buying or making some super compost, adding it to a patch, planting the seed and moving on to the next one.  After you've finished you should routinely go back with some vials of plant cure to make sure your herb isn't dying.

Ranarr herb and seed at the Grand Exchange

At current GE prices as you can see you can purchase a ranarr seed for 12.4k, after it's planted you can expect to get around 3-7 herbs back, averaging that out at 5 means you'll get on average a 27k net return, and after you've subtracted the 12.4k that's 14.6k per farming patch.  This may not sound like a lot but if you're doing 6 patches at once, while perhaps woodcutting then you can easily be making around 90k for all the patches every hour at least - and that's not including the money you can be making from other things.

But I'm not telling you to stick to ranarrs although they are a good example to use, what you really have to do is research things yourself!  I would tell you right here and now what's best but the prices change so constantly it would be misleading.  The best thing you can do is to search all the major herbs on the Grand Exchange, do the maths and find out which one will serve you best!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Woodcutting Money Making for F2P

Making money on Runescape isn't easy, but when you're playing the free to play game it gets a whole lot harder.  There are a few different approaches to making money if you're a non member, though I think I should warn you know that you'll make nowhere near the amount of money that a member could potentially make.

There are essentially three different routes you can go down if you want to make serious money on a f2p Runescape account:

1.  Skilling
2.  Merchanting
3.  Pking

Skilling is very simple, and it involves training a skill which are widely defined of as being non combat.  These skills include woodcutting, fishing, crafting, smithing and mining.  There are other skills that are non combat but don't expect these to make you money, expect them to lose you money.

With regards to making money by using the woodcutting skill, the concept is very simple, cut down the highest level tree you can with the best hatchet you can wield.  Right of the bat I'd definitely recommend buying a rune hatchet if you can wield it, if you can't, train up your attack so that you can.  It's very important if you are really interesting in making money by woodcutting.

The best woodcutting spots for willow trees are south of Draynor, near the sea where you'll find a bank close to a large number of willow trees.  This means you can fill your inventory and quickly bank without having to walk for a long amount of time, this takes a woodcutting level of 45.  For yew trees you have two good options, the first is south of Falador where there are three yew trees that are spread out.  This isn't quite as close to the bank as the willows but it's not too far of a walk.  The second option is on the outskirts of Varrock Castle, again you have three trees that are a moderate distance from the bank, not too far but not particularly short distances.

After you've cut down a good amount of logs, anywhere from 100 to several thousand it's time to sell them.  This means going to the grand exchange in Varrock, but there's a definite technique for selling logs.  Firstly check the grand exchange using the 30 day graph, if your logs are exceptionally low than there's a good chance they'll rise again and it's definitely worth waiting and simply cutting more logs until that point.  If on the other hand you're impatient (which is understandable), then the best thing to do is to sell one log at 1gp below medium price.  What happens?  If it sells instantly at the price than it means that you could actually make more money than what you sold it for.  This is great news because you only sold one, sell two more legs and rise the prices by a few gp every time.  Go as high as you can go that'll sell within 10-15 minutes and then after that put all of the logs to sell for that price!  This maximises how much money you can making from using the f2p woodcutting skill and means your hard work of hours doesn't go to waste!