Friday, 11 March 2011

Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Magic

I’d say the best way of making money using P2P magic on Runescape is by using fire bolts on iron dragons!  Iron and steel dragons drop very good consistent loot which you can high alchemy then and there which means that you’re going to be making money right away without having to bother going to bank your loot, and what’s also useful is that they drop quite a lot of charms as well which is clearly only going to benefit you!

One thing which is really important is to realize that you’re there for one item only, the draconic visage which is worth around 18 million gold.  What’s great about this type of money making is that it’s not like you’re not gaining anything while you’re trying to get the holy grail of an item.  You’re still going to be making a few 100k per hour.  You’ll also be making great magic exp because you’re constantly using fire bolts which by the way are very cheap now because chaos runes have dropped substantially in value.  But it’s really not about going there for a few hours and hoping to get one, you need to go there consistently until you get one, keep going there and you will get one.  It will definitely be long and tedious at times, but when you see that item worth 18 million gold just laying on the floor you know it’ll be worth it!

Even though before you get the item you will only be making around 200k per hour, as soon as you get it it obviously vastly increases your average.  This area is a great way to train magic because eventually you will get the big drop, but in the mean time you train your magic and make decent gold until you get it.

Killing metal dragons on Runescape is quite easy using ranged and magic, but regardless of whichever one you use you definitely need to have an anti-dragon shield because it stops the dragon hitting high 300s on you.  To stop them otherwise you’d need to have your protect from magic prayer on and this would cost a lot of money because it drains prayer points quite quickly.  The best set up if you’re maging is to have void mage or infinity because they don’t degrade.  You should also have both anti-dragon shields as well as antifire potions.  The anti-dragon shield reduces the damage the dragon’s fire breath does on you and reduces it to only hitting from 20-40 life points.  Using the antifire potion protects you for several minutes from the last little bits of damage meaning you take no damage as long as you keep drinking the potion before it runs out – but even when it does run out you only receive a little bit of damage so it’s not something you need to constantly watching!

Interested in learning more?  Visit Money Making on Runescape Using P2P Magic Guide Now!

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