Now to start of with, I'm going to say right of the bat that training herblore is very expensive, I trained it myself to level 89 so I could use extreme potions and it cost be around 200 million gold to just get to level 89. I did admittedly train it in a more costly way by making special attack restore potions, but nevertheless even if you use super defence potions which are very cheap it's still going to take quite a long time. Now training your herblore skill using this method isn't going to make you money in the short term, but extreme potions are a massive advantage with regards to high level monster killing. In these situations when you're pitted against another player and you're both trying to get the monster killing it could mean the difference between an armadyl godsword or not. In these instances and looking at it from a high level, long term perspective it's clearly an advantage to be using them, and without them you'd be easily around 5-15% less effective depending on the potion.
But most players aren't very high levels, and most players want to do something quick so they can buy what you want. Whether it's an abyssal whip or a godsword there are definitely methods out there which allow you to make good money while train your combat stats. Herb collecting is a fantastic way of making money because it allows you to train up your combat stats such as attack, strength and defence - and even magic and ranged if you so choose. One of the best things to do is go about your usual routine, and simply collect the grimy herbs and store them in your bank - all it takes is a few ranarrs here and there and soon enough you're talking several hundred thousand gp!
One great way of multi-tasking skills is slayer, which allows you to train up your slayer skill which'll come in use in the future as well as allowing you to gain combat stats as well as getting you herbs and charms! Charms are vital for summoning and so effectively you can be training your attack level, your summoning level, prayer (burying their bones), slayer as well as making money from the herbs all in one go!
Interested in learning more? Money Making on Runescape Using Herblore Guide for more information!
Interested in learning more? Money Making on Runescape Using Herblore Guide for more information!
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